For People of Faith, 70-year-old Human Rights Document Holds Special Meaning
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2023 in Review
March 7, 2024
2023 in Review presents a selection of news headlines, and reports on the general direction that nations follow when relating to human rights, the humanitarian area, and international relations as they are seen by the United Nations.
UNequal World International Conference
December 20, 2023
Report on the 52nd United Nations Human Rights Council - March 2023
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Religious Freedom Conference Report, 2022
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Conference on Religious Freedom Report
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2022 in Review
December 19, 2022
2022 in Review presents a selection of news headlines, and reports on the general direction that nations follow when relating to human rights, the humanitarian area, and international relations as they are seen by the United Nations.
The Right To Life! World NO Tobacco Day
June 2, 2022
Unequal World Conference Report December 2021
January 26, 2022
Download the report of Dr. Nelu Burcea, Associate Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, on the Unequal World Conference Report, December 2021.
2021 In Review
January 26, 2022
2021 In Review presents a selection of news headlines and reports on the general direction that nations follow when relating to human rights, the humanitarian area, and international relations as they are seen by the United Nations.
Report of the UN Liaison
May 13, 2021
Download the report of Dr. Nelu Burcea, associate director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department, on his work at the United Nations.
UN Liaison Committee March 2021
April 1, 2021
This is a summary of the United Nations Liaison Committee Report held on March 22, 2021. This report presented a perspective of the vision of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on the importance of championing religious freedom and the promotion of social, moral, and spiritual values.
2020 In Review
January 31, 2021
2020 in Review presents a selection of news headlines, and reports on the general direction which nations follow when relating to human rights, the humanitarian area, and international relations as they are seen by the United Nations.
Unequal World Conference Report January 24-25, 2021
December 1, 2020
Download the report of Dr. Nelu Burcea, associate director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department, on the Unequal World Conference.
International Day of Education 2020
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The World Social Report 2020
January 27, 2020
The World Social Report 2020: Inequality in a rapidly changing world was released on January 21, 2020, by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations.
'Religious Freedom Is a High Priority for Church,' Adventist Representative Tells UN Envoy
January 7, 2020
Seventy years ago this December, the international community entered into a groundbreaking agreement to uphold a set of shared principles and values that would guide humanity as it moved into the future. Seven decades later, that agreement—the Universal Declaration of Human Rights—has become an integral part of the international landscape. It has become an overarching expression of the various rights that nations must guard in order for their citizens to live full and dignified lives. Today, the Declaration can be read in an ever-growing number of languages and dialects—514 at last count—making it, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the world’s most translated document.
The Declaration has been called idealistic, and it certainly does take a very broad, wholistic view of human rights, encompassing a vast range of social, political, and economic values. Among its 30 articles is the right to equality before the law; the right to freedom from discrimination; the right to freedom of assembly; the right to work and to education; and the right to freedom from arbitrary detention. It even includes the right to leisure and rest and the right to take part in the cultural, artistic, and scientific life of one’s community.
Eleanor Roosevelt, who worked tirelessly to rally the United Nations around the Declaration, had high hopes for what such an international agreement could achieve. “If we observe these rights for ourselves and for others,” she said, “I think we will find that it is easier in the world to build peace.”
Last year, in an effort to emphasize the importance of the Human Rights Declaration, the United Nations launched a year-long public awareness campaign that culminated this week on December 10. Its goal was simple: to reacquaint the world with these foundational human rights. It has been an attempt, in an era where violence and repression still dominate the headlines, to underscore the urgent need for an agreed set of basic human rights norms. In the words of Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the goal was to “ensure that this Universal Declaration will be the light that shines and will guide how we relate to each other.”
For me, as a person of faith, Article 18 of the Declaration holds special significance. It reads: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Although Article 18 deals specifically with religious freedom, it’s not an isolated, stand-alone human right. It is inextricably bound up with many other fundamental freedoms, such as the freedom of assembly, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and so on.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I would suggest that there is an earlier, even more fundamental expression of Article 18. As I read the Bible I learn that we are all born free and equal; that every human being is endowed with the spark of Divine by his or her Creator; that every man, woman and child stands equal before God in value and dignity. Even more, Scripture teaches us that every person has the personal right—indeed, the obligation—to choose freely whether or not to worship God and follow his will.
What does this mean for us as Adventists? What does it mean for me as I represent our church at the United Nations?
It means that we have a continuing responsibility to advocate for freedom of religion or belief—for every person, regardless of their nationality, background, or religious tradition. Regardless of whether we agree with their beliefs or not.
Most importantly, I believe, it means that we should defend this freedom not just because it is a fundamental human right, ratified by the international community. We must continue to promote freedom of religion or belief, first and foremost, because it reflects the loving character of our Father.
Nelu Burcea, Associate Director
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Liaison to the United Nations
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 | USA